Organisation Settings
  • 14 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Organisation Settings

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Article summary

The organisation settings are the overall settings of your business in the Onexfort account. 

Organisation Name

Enter the name of your organisation. 

Organisation EmailEnter the email address of your organisation. This email address will not be used for sending emails from Onexfort. The email address in the Company settings will be used, instead. 
Organisation PhoneEnter the company's contact number. 
Organisation WebsiteEnter the URL of the organisation's website
Organisation AddressEnter the street address of the organisation.
Default TimezoneChoose the timezone of your organisation. If you have offices in multiple locations in different time zones, you will have to pick one of the time zones. This time will be used to display the time of all the activities.
Date FormatChoose the d/m/Y format. Some of the reports may not load correctly if any other format is chosen.
Time FormatChoose your preferred time format
Week StartYou have two options to choose from: Sunday or Monday
The Job Schedule page's Month view will show the chosen day as the first day of the week.
Change LanguageCurrently, we support only one language 'English'. 
To update the details entered, click the update button.

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