OHS Risk Assesment
  • 31 Jan 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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OHS Risk Assesment

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Article summary

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) check is a good business practice that can be done by the field team before they pick up and deliver the job. The OHS check has to be done on the mobile app by your driver. The check can be done twice, one at the place of the pickup and the other at the place of delivery.

To access the OHS Risk Assessment page, the user has to tap on the button:

 The OHS page will have two sections - the Pickup and Delivery and both will list the same items that have to be assessed before the job is picked up and delivered.


For each item, the driver can either choose Y, N or NA depending on if there is a risk, no risk or if this risk item is not applicable, respectively. For each item, some notes can also be written. After completing the items in the pickup section the Submit button has to the tapped to submit the assessment. The submitted assessment can be viewed from the web application on the Job page - Operations tab in the OHS Risk Assessment section.


Similarly, at the delivery location, for each item, the driver can either choose Y, N or NA depending on if there is a risk, no risk or if this risk item is not applicable, respectively. For each item, some notes can also be written. After completing the items in the delivery section the Submit button has to the tapped to submit the assessment. The submitted assessment can be viewed from the web application on the Job page - Operations tab in the OHS Risk Assessment section.

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