Login and Jobs List
  • 30 Jan 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Login and Jobs List

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Article summary

The mobile app is to be used only by the field workers - the drivers and offsiders. An iOS and Android versions of the mobile app are available in the App Store and Google Play Store respectively. 

Login Page:

The user will be able to log in using the username (email address) and password set up for them by the app administrator. 

Jobs List Page:

When the user logs in, the jobs list page can be seen. This page will have three tabs: Active, Awaiting, and Completed.

When a job is assigned to a driver, it will appear in the Awaiting tab.

The driver can then click the Awaiting job and accept the job.

Once the job is accepted, the job will be moved to the Active tab and will be listed along with all jobs to be done today or in the future.

The user can tap on the job block and navigate to the Job Page.

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