Job details
  • 30 Jan 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Job details

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Article summary

Job Details

On the day of the job, the driver and offsiders can navigate to the job and see all details related to the job assigned to them:

  • Customer name
  • Customer contact number
  • Pickup and drop-off addresses
  • Estimated start and finish times

The user can tap on the location icon next to the addresses and the address will open in the default Map app like Google Maps. 

To start the job, the driver can tap on the 'Start Job' button. As soon as this button is tapped, the actual start time is shown on the 'Actual Start Time' field and the button will change to 'Finish Job'. The driver can then tap on the 'Finish Job' button to complete the job. The actual finish time is shown on the 'Actual End Time' field. The button will now show the status of the job as 'Completed Job'. The button is now not tappable anymore. 

After the job is completed, the driver can tap on the pencil icon next to the actual times and change the start and end times if required. The changes may be required if the driver wants to factor in breaks or other times like from or to the depot. 

It is very important to note that the times should only be edited after the job is completed. If it's done before the job is completed, the app will not enable the 'Update & Generate Invoice' button. 

Notes to Driver

The despatch notes from the operations tab of the job page will be shown in this section. This is a good place to show the pickup and drop-off access restrictions and any other special instructions to be given to the team.


This section shows the names and contact numbers of the driver and the offsiders assigned to the job.


The driver will be able to tap on the 'Take a Photo' button and upload pictures related to the job. 

All images uploaded will be shown in the Attachment section of the job page. It will also be displayed on the Operations tab of the Job page in the web application. To remove an image already uploaded, the user can tap on the X icon. 

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