  • 14 Feb 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary

The Employees page displays the list of all employees you have defined in the system. When you sign up for Onexfort, two employees are set up by default - an administrator and a field worker. You can then add all other employees to this page. 

  • To edit or delete an existing employee, click on the three dots in the Action column of the employee row and choose the appropriate action. 
  • To add a new employee, click on the 'Add Employee' button on the top right corner of the page. 
First NameEnter the first name of the employee
Last NameEnter the last name of the employee
Employee NumberEnter an employee number if you have one enter any serial number
MobileEnter the mobile number of the employee
Is the employee a system user?If the employee is the system user, enable the button. All system users will have access to the system based on their roles. There can also be employees that are not system users, for example, offsiders. You can still add them to the list of employees, without giving them access to the system. 
  • If the employee is not a system user do not enable this button and click on the Save button. 
  • If the employee is a system user, enable this button and complete the rest of the fields
EmailEnter an email address for the employee. This email address will be used by the employee to login into the web application and/or the mobile app
PasswordEnter a password that will be used to login into the application 
Confirm PasswordConfirm the above password
System RoleThe following two system roles are available in the system by default.
  • App Administrator - Will have full access to the web application and the mobile app
  • Field Worker - Will have access only to the mobile app
  • All other System Roles that you define will have access to both the web application (menu restrictions apply)  and the mobile app
System Job TypeIn this select field, you must choose the option 'Moving'
Email SignatureYou can use this text area to add the user's email signature. This email signature can be used in email templates. If you want to user your company logo in the signature, use the picture icon in the formatting bar and paste the weblink (URL) of the logo. Do not copy and paste the image into the text area. If you don't have an URL for the logo or any other image you want to use in the email signature, contact Onexfort Support and send your logo or other images and ask for URLs for the images. You can then use those URLs in the image icon.
Enable the active button to mark the employee as active. To remove an employee you can either delete the employee or toggle this button and make the employee inactive. 

Click on the Save button to create the employee or click on the Update button to update the details of an existing employee.