  • 18 Jul 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary

When you signup for Onexfort, based on the details you enter on the setup of the registration, the default company will be automatically set up. To change the details of the company, choose Edit from the Action options. 

Company NameThis is the name that will be displayed on all external communications to your customers like emails sent, Estimates and Invoices. 
EmailThis is the default email from which all emails sent from the system will use. This email address has to be your company's website domain email address. Before you send and receive emails from Onexfort, your company's domain has to be verified. Please check the Configure Email settings. 
Contact NameThis contact name will be displayed on all emails sent from the system.
PhoneThis phone number will be printed on all estimates and invoices.
SMS NumberWhen you send SMS (Text messages) from Onexfort, this mobile number will be displayed as the number that the message is sent from. When the customer replies to the SMS, the reply will be sent to the device of this SMS number. The SMS replies will not be sent back to Onexfort. We will introduce this feature of SMS replies coming back to Onexfort in a future release.
AddressThis address will be printed on all estimates and invoices.
ABN Number This ABN will be printed on all estimates and invoices.
Terms and ConditionsEnter your company's terms and conditions here. These terms will be shown in the popup page on the Stripe payment processing page when your customer makes a payment. 
Customer Sign-off ChecklistThis checklist will be displayed on the customer's post-sign-off tab on the driver's mobile app. The customer can agree to this checklist and sign off after the job is completed by the field team. 
Customer Pre-job ChecklistThis checklist will be displayed on the customer's pre-sign-off tab on the driver's mobile app. The customer can agree to this checklist and sign off before the field team starts the job.
Work Order InstructionsThese work order instructions will be printed on the Work order PDF that can be generated from the Invoice tab of the job. The work order can be sent to the driver or to the customer. 
POD InstructionsThese Proof-of-Delivery (POD) instructions will be printed on the POD PDF that can be generated from the Invoice tab of the job. The POD PDF can only be generated only after the job is completed and the customer has signed off the job from the driver's mobile app. 
DefaultOnexfort allows you to set up more than one company in a single Onexfort account. If you have more than one company defined, you can choose the default company by checking this checkbox.
ActiveCheck this checkbox to make this company active. 
Company LogoSelect an image and upload your logo file here. This logo will be printed on all your estimates and invoices

Click on the Update button to update the company details. 

To add a new company, click on the 'Add Company' button and enter the company details. It's advisable to define only one company in Onexfort per account. If you have more than one legal entity then sign up for a separate Onexfort account per entity. 

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